Welcome to, your premier resource for understanding how kelp can aid in charting a greener future! Our goal is to demystify kelp and its many potential applications. Whether you are looking to find how you can use kelp to create more sustainable marine foods or learning the science behind kelp forests, you've come to the right place. As a sustainable marine food and a keystone species, kelp is helping to restore and preserve ocean ecosystems and enhance global food security. Find out how you can join the kelp revolution!

Tell me more

For centuries, seaweeds and other forms of kelp have been used as food and medicine in many parts of the world. Today, kelp's many uses have found wider application beyond traditional uses—from fiber production to animal feed, fertilizer and biofuel. But perhaps the most compelling attribute of kelp is its ability to help reduce human impact on oceans and the environment. By absorbing excess carbon and nitrogen from the ocean, kelp can actively help combat climate change and coastal pollution.

Fight ocean acidification

Kelp forests contribute to stabilizing ocean pH levels by absorbing excess CO2, thereby helping to mitigate ocean acidification.

Prevent soil erosion

Kelp forests can play an important role in mitigating coastal erosion and wave damage by helping to stabilize shorelines and protect them from storms and erosion. 

Restore marine environments

Kelp forests are known to help restore marine environments and they harbour a great diversity of organisms. Kelp is known to significantly increase species diversity, biomass, and habitat complexity.
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About The Problem

Despite its might and majesty, the ocean is facing staggering challenges. Animals and plants, once plentiful, now appear rare due to overfishing and other destructive behaviors. Industrial pollution is making ocean water dangerous and uninhabitable in some areas. As a result, the health of our planet’s great oceans is in dire need of restoration.

Kelp is often seen as a potential solution to many of these problems because of its resilience to damage and its ability to pump oxygen and nutrients into the ocean via photosynthesis. Kelp forests have been shown to increase fish abundance by providing food and shelter to juvenile species, which often wander away from the protection of coral reefs during the summer months. Kelp forests also reduce the effects of erosive wave action and may absorb toxic nutrients from runoff.

Kelp can also provide a sustainable marine food source. As an abundant resource, kelp is rich in micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. When used for food production, kelp can reduce pressure on wild fisheries and help to meet global food security needs as its demand grows. 

What can I do to help?

Donate to organizations like The Nature Conservancy and World Ocean Council that are dedicated to conserving marine habitats and promoting sustainable seafood practices.

Incorporating kelp into your diet is a fun and easy way to help restore oceanic eco-systems. Start by swapping out some of your favorite snacks with roasted kelp chips or getting creative with kelp spaghetti. You can also buy dried kelp noodles to add to any soup or stir-fry. By actively choosing foods with lower environmental footprints, you're reducing your individual carbon footprint.

In order to reduce our dependence on wild seafood, many individuals and organizations are turning to aquaculture, or fish farming, to offset demand. Kelp can be farmed just like other species, offering an easy and sustainable approach. Those interested in farming their own seaweed can purchase seed to start off their own backyard kelp farm. Having your own kelp farm is a great way to ensure sustainability and reinvigorate the marine environment in your own backyard.

Contribute to understanding the effects of climate change and ocean acidification by participating in kelp research programs. If you’re unable to volunteer, donating to research programs or encouraging your local representatives to create legislation protecting marine ecosystems are great ways to help.

You can help foster a healthier, more sustainable marine environment by being mindful of where your kelp comes from. When you choose to buy sustainably sourced kelp, you’re helping to protect ocean and coastal habitats and replenish natural resources. When kelp is harvested responsibly, it helps replenish depleted areas and promote biodiverse ecosystems. Supporting reputable kelp farms and catch operations increases your chances of receiving a product that is harvested with sustainability in mind.

Donate your time and energy to educate others about kelp and how it can be used to benefit the environment. Share the articles and content available on this website to friends, family, and colleagues, and encourage them to take part in this environmentally beneficial endeavour. With the widespread knowledge of kelp's many uses, the effects of kelp can be amplified on a global scale.



Kelp is offering an abundance of solutions for a variety of environmental problems. It is an incredibly renewable and diverse resource, which has numerous economically and environmentally beneficial uses. Through creating sustainable marine food sources, restoring and preserving ocean ecosystems, and enhancing global food security, kelp is leading the way in the struggle for a greener future.

Not only can it provide us with a readily available source of food, but it can also act as a bio-remediator, helping to reduce ocean acidification, remove heavy metals from polluted waters, and even reduce the effects of climate change. These benefits demonstrate just how powerful and versatile a resource kelp can be.

In addition to food production, kelp can also be used as a renewable source of energy. Utilizing its fibre, it can be converted into fuels, bio-degradable plastics, and various other products that are essential for the continued health of our planet. As an incredibly fast-growing organism, kelp can be harvested in a sustainable manner to provide numerous products.

Although kelp ecosystems are fast changing due to a variety of causes, such as ocean warming and over-fishing, these valuable resources will still be instrumental in the future of our environment. As people are becoming more conscious of their own impact on the environment, they are becoming increasingly open to using kelp as an alternative to non-renewable resources.

Altogether, this versatile organism can serve as a gateway to restoring our planet’s ocean ecosystems and enhancing global food security. As its uses become more widely recognized, kelp may prove to be an essential building block for a brighter and healthier future for us all.

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